Convert online without installing MS SQL Server.The conversion process takes between 15 seconds and multiple minutes. Only relevant for backups created by versions prior to SQL Server 2012. This is only needed if the backup was created with a media password. You can add mediapassword=value to specify the backup's media password.This is only needed if the backup was created with a password. You can add password=value to specify the backup's password.You can add omitSchemeName=1 to the URL to omit the scheme name in the CSV filenames.If something went wrong, output.zip contains the error message. The file output.zip will contain a CSV file, one for each table in the given database file. BAK Terraria won’t recognize it as a world otherwise. Furthermore, edit the file name to remove the.

if you did not back up your character or world, it probley gon, also check if you put it in Cloud software. You should see the service account listed in the security settings, and can adjust the permissions accordingly.Īfter adding permissions (I added Full Control, to match the default SQL Backup folder.) and restarting the SQL Server Management Console, I was able to select and restore my backup file.Replace database.bak with the path to the database you want to convert. 1 Snek 5:32am Originally posted by Gmode: C:DocumentsMy GamesTerrariaWorlds ,drag BAK into it. Select MSSQLSERVER, and click OK to accept the selection. You will then see a list of the matching service accounts. Also, in Event Viewer under the Windows Logs, Application, you can find data about certain applications events as well. You can see what applications are open through Task Manager, which shows the utilization of the desktop.