When you purchase a license of Rhino 6.0, it can be installed.

One Rhino 6.0 license works both on Windows and Mac. The demo version of Rhinoceros can always be used as a viewer of Rhinoceros files and other supported file formats. After 90 days, saving and plug-ins stop working, unless you buy a license. Rhino ceros buy Download Rhino 6 for Windows Rhino 6 264.0 MB I log sign in try for 2020 L Chat $244.06 This full You Mac Requirements 64.b't. Installation Notes // for v3.60.03/v4.00.02/v4.10.0x: Download and install V-Ray for Rhino (there is no need to install the License Server). I’m not asking for something better than the windows discount, just the same.AppNee provides the V-Ray for Rhino multilingual full installers and unlocked files (cgauth.dll, vray.dll, vrayBRDFScanned.dll, etc.) for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit. So to summarise, we are paying more for something that we are going to get less use out of. So maybe next year or perhaps 2021 we will then need to upgrade again having had 1.5 years less use of the v6 upgrade than windows users for what is arguably still a less capable product. Given the aim to update to v7 at the same time for both platforms, Mac users will get less use out of the upgrade. That’s not to mention all the time and effort many of us have contributed to beta testing v6 for Mac.

I’d argue that the reduced price when v5 for Mac was launched has been more than covered by the reduced functionality over the intervening years. Yet windows users got a discount for upgrading. Less capable software cost less and during 4 years or so, less functionality has been available. Indeed, as far as I’m aware, v6 for Mac hasn’t achieved feature parity with v6 for windows. While v5 for Mac was reduced, my understanding is that it was reduced because it had many features missing. When V7 is released, and we hope to release Mac and Windows V7 together, there may be reduced initial release pricing as we have done in the past, but that decision will be made as that time gets closer. It was based on a lot of different factors including, but not limited to, the reduced commercial price of V5 for Mac, and the benefits of one V6 license working for both Windows and Mac V6.